Nerurovascular Release: Basic idea (story) is that just like any other structure in our fascial web, the nerves and arteries can be fixed or “stuck” in a particular position or pattern. Nerves may be “pinched” or tethered in their fascial pathways and arteries can hold intrinsic tension much like muscle tissue. Because the body cares a lot about what is happening with the nerves and blood supply, when these structures are held in a particular pattern/ under tension, the body will “guard” these structures in such a way as to limit range of motion or to promote a particular pattern of movement. This story may sound familiar to some of you. Over the years, we have worked one-on-one, in person to help change patterns in your system, sometimes I have worked specifically with the nerves and arteries in mind as part of your SI/ manual therapy sessions. In many cases, this has facilitated decreased pain and discomfort and more ease in your day-to-day life. NVR Online is just like that….but different. When considering the whole interconnected matrix of the human body, various “modalities” of bodywork often preference one type of tissue over another (we consider chiropractic to be a mobilizing of bones and massage therapy to be manipulation of muscles – but one cannot manipulate “just” the bones or the muscles without affecting both). With Neurovascular Mobilization, the “layer of tissue” where we direct our focus and intention are the “tubes and strings” that weave themselves throughout the entire body. Another way to put it is while we can never separate one part of ourselves from the whole and work only with that aspect of the body, we can hold particular anatomical models in mind and think about how best to work with that particular “layer” of the human system.
Dr. Drashti Shah is a Registered Physiotherapist having an extra-ordinary experience from USA, Canada and India.
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