Knee Pain

Knee Pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaint people often complain about. With today’s increasingly active society and busy lifestyle, there’s a significant rise in the number of knee problem cases around the world. There are number of causes that can result in the knee pain and if not treated in time; it can create some severe problems in future. With proper and timely treatment, one can avoid the unwanted outcomes of the knee pain.

Dr. Drashti Shah, Registered Physiotherapist, Mobilisation, Mobilisation  Specialist, Mobilisation Trainer, Mobilisation Treatment,  Mobilisation Therapy
Anatomy of the Knee
The main function of the Knee Joint is to bend, straighten, and bear the weight of the body along with the hips & ankles. Its not just a simple hinged but a complex structure that twists and rotates. It performs number of actions and supports the entire body and to do so, it relies on a number of structures including bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments.

Knee Disorders
Fractures: The Effect of Direct Trauma on the knee structure causing the knee to break. It’s a sever knee injury and is very painful.
Ligament Injuries: This is usually a sports-related injury due to the sudden change in motion or strong impact with the hard surface.
Meniscus Injuries: Made of Cartilage, Menisci act as shock absorbers between the bones in the knee. It is caused by the twisting of knee.
Dislocation: It is an emergency situation and requires an immediate attention. In this, the knee joint is dislocated.
Nontraumatic Pains: Such as Osteo Arthiritis, RA, Osgood Schlatter Disease, Chondromalacia Patellae, Instability Issues

Dr. Drashti Shah treats the knee pain with any of the following treatments or their combinations depending on the assessment:
Cyriax & Maitland
Mulligan Technique
MET – Muscle Energy Technique
MFR – Myofascial Release
Trigger Point
Structural Integration
Primal Movement Chains
People these days have an access to all kind of information and DIY techniques available on web for treating the pain & stiffness in the joints on their own. However, practicing such methods without proper guidance can significantly expose you to the greater risk of injuries. Hence, it is very important to get a well-structured physiotherapy from an experienced and reliable physiotherapist. Dr. Drashti Shah offers a well organized & result oriented physiotherapy treatment in India.

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